Once Below Joy | ProtoGiraffe | Pocket Aces

Petra's 1919 Commonwealth Avenue, Charlotte, NC, United States

Doors: 8pm | Show: 9pm Tickets: $9 Adv (with fees) | $12 Day Of • 21+ Once Below Joy wizard prog band https://linktr.ee/oncebelowjoy   Proto Giraffe prog rock | jam https://www.instagram.com/protogiraffeband/   Pocket Aces


Palmyra “Restless” Tour with special guest Joseph Terrell and TBD

Petra's 1919 Commonwealth Avenue, Charlotte, NC, United States

Doors: 8pm | Show: 9pm Tickets: $12 • 21+ Palmyra Established in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley, Palmyra captures the collective spirit of three Virginia natives: Teddy Chipouras, Mānoa Bell, and Sasha Landon. Palmyra straddles at least two musical worlds. They are, on one hand, a band from the South that plays traditional instruments and indeed once [...]


Paul Giallorenzo Trio | Ghost Trees | Curiosidades de Bombrille

Petra's 1919 Commonwealth Avenue, Charlotte, NC, United States

Doors: 7pm | Music: 8pm $10 at the door • 21+ Paul Giallorenzo Trio Paul Giallorenzo is a Chicago-based improviser, composer, producer, and sound designer using piano, synthesizer, keyboards, and electronics in a diverse range of contexts with a wide array of Chicago and international musicians in improvised, avant-jazz, experimental, and electro/acoustic music, performing regularly [...]


Bermuda Search Party: Fools On Parade Tour with CANNIBAL KIDS

Petra's 1919 Commonwealth Avenue, Charlotte, NC, United States

Doors: 7pm | Show: 8pm Tickets: $15 • 21+ Bermuda Search Party Unapologetically energetic, uplifting and with a live show that has been described as a “celebration of life”, Bermuda Search Party have emerged as a vibrant act that continues to touch audience’s hearts while getting them up on their feet. After meeting in college [...]


Blue Cactus with Carolina Down Boys

Petra's 1919 Commonwealth Avenue, Charlotte, NC, United States

Doors: 8pm | Show: 9pm Tickets: $15 at the door • 21 Blue Cactus Blue Cactus got their start among the active honky-tonk circuit of North Carolina, developing an electrified twang that now branches out effortlessly into folk, alt-country, and psychedelic-tinged rock. Having released two records to critical acclaim, they have grown a cult following in [...]


The Menders | Sinners & Saints | The Cambria Iron Co. | Ali Forrest

Petra's 1919 Commonwealth Avenue, Charlotte, NC, United States

Doors: 7pm | Show: 8pm Tickets: $9 Adv (with fees) | $12 at the door • 21+ The Menders Goddamn NC RocknRoll! https://www.themendersnc.com/   Sinners & Saints best country / folk band since 2011 ;) https://sinnersandsaints.bandcamp.com/   The Cambria Iron Co rock and roll https://bobfleming1.bandcamp.com/   Ali Forrest songwriter from CLT https://linktr.ee/normalalicat


Raspberry Pie with Pleasantly Wild

Petra's 1919 Commonwealth Avenue, Charlotte, NC, United States

Doors: 8pm | Show: 9pm Tickets: $9 Adv (with fees) | $12 At the door • 21+ Raspberry Pie With the sounds of late 70s funk and disco, combined with a humorous lyrical sensibility, Raspberry Pie have been packing dance floors since 2015. Their tasty grooves and singalong choruses can turn any venue into a [...]
