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Show @ 9p
$7 Advance | $10 Day Of
• 21+ with valid ID



Azul is a queer Latinx musician that oscillates from tender moments of grief and love to disco dance bops, music numbers on betrayal, and the stress of living in our modern world. Oh and sometimes it is in Spanish. She sings and plays trumpet with her best friends and her goal is to always connect with her listeners.

After releasing her debut original EP in 2021 “The View From Here,” Azul has played all over NC and opened for several nationally touring acts. The INDY Week said about her debut single, “Magic,” “Magic” feels like a true pop song—lush, catchy, persuasive, and full of the kind of pent-up drama that makes the quest for greater belief and optimism feel fresh. Zapata’s voice is bold and reaching; this is a single with the thrill of a big beginning.”
